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Getting started with Novatel
The following article will help you run the Novatel Control Centre for the first time and will walk you through the basic functionality to quickly start using the application. Visit the link to your application provided by the Novatel Team and you will find the following website. Click the ‘Start Control Centre’ button. This will…
Downloading CDRs
CDR Downloading – How to The following document describes how to download a csv file with CDRs for parameters defined by the user. The CDRs can be downloaded either from any View by … screen or from the Phone Calls screen. 1. Define the CDRs that the user is interested in. To download the CDRs…
Alerts Introduction
Alerts is an application which sits on top of the other Control Centre applications and provides various alerts for these applications. Depending on which applications are available in the suite, different Alert formulas will be accessible. In order to have part of the application/network traffic monitored (e.g. ASR for different destinations) a new Alert Formula…
Manual traffic blocking for Customers
In Credit Management screen of the Billing module you can now block traffic from a customer manually, even when that customer still has credit available. To block traffic from a Customer, first Select the Customer and then push the red Stop button as shown here. In the table it will show the traffic has been…