Routing Plans – Excluded dial codes
Routing Plans – Excluded dial codes
Dial codes exclusion is used to limit the number of available dial codes in a routing plan. It can be used whenever there is a need to create a routing plan that uses only a part of MDL. The result of a call attempt for an excluded dial code is 404 no routing message returned by NRS.
For example the user would like to have a routing plan that is limited only to Nigeria. It means that no other countries should appear in the routing plan nor calls to those countries should be routed.
To achieve the goal, open Routing Plans and from Tools menu and select: Include/Exclude Dial Codes.
There are two ways of limiting the number of dial codes from the Include/Exclude Dial Codes dialog window.
1. If the user is interested in limiting the list of available dial codes to a single country or to only few dial codes then the Use only selected dial codes in routing option should be used.
For example: the user would like to create a routing plan only for Nigeria. To do so, select Use only selected dial codes in routing radio button and either select all Nigeria’s dial codes in the dial codes table or put 234 in both From and To text fields. Next press the select button.
2. More often the user is interested in excluding just few dial codes. Exclude selected dial codes from routing option should be used in such case.
For example: the user would like to exclude Germany from the routing plan. To do so, select Exclude selected dial codes from routing radio button and then either select all Germany dial codes in the dial code’s table or put 49 in both From and To text fields. Next press the select button.
When a dial code is excluded it also excludes all its breakouts introduced by suppliers. However all MDL dial code breakouts should be excluded separately. For example:
Afghanistan 93,
Afghanistan 9311,
Supplier A:
Afghanistan 93,$1
Afghanistan 931,$2
Routing Plan:
Afghanistan,93,$1 A
Afghanistan,931,$2 A // dial code introduced by supplier A
Afghanistan,9311,$2 A
If Afghanistan 93 is the only excluded dial code, then the routing plan will still have 9311 in it, as the dial code is defined in MDL. To completely remove Afghanistan from routing both MDL dial codes: 93 and 9311 would have to be excluded.
The result of the step above is a routing plan with a limited number of dial codes. It means that only the routes that are visible are used in live routing.
The user can always see the excluded dial codes list by choosing Excluded Dial Codes only or Include excluded Dial Codes options from the filter combo box.
Once the filter is selected, the list of the excluded dial codes is shown. The excluded dial codes are striked through to reflect that they are not used in routing.
Note: Be aware that if a new dial code is added to the MDL, it also has to be set up in the Include/Exclude Dial Codes dialog to be either included or excluded.
Another way of excluding dial codes is by using a formula. Below you can find an example formula that limits the list of available routing dial codes to Nigerian’s dial codes only:
if (!dialcode.startsWith(“234”))
To learn more about routing formulas visit: Routing Formulas